Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Life in California

As I drove around the other day, I thought of two events that put me on my knees literally.

1. Recently, the loss of our daughter who died in the womb.

2. February 2010, I was at FCBCD, in the youth room, when the Holy Spirit consumed me, I could not stand, and I went to my knees crying. The youth singing - sounded like angels. It was a true Isaiah 6 moment, where, God grabbed me (literally) by the throat and confronted me with my sinfulness, and I just could not stand. I felt a healing and a peace.

What to make of it. Well, one, I sort of let it be forgotten these days, till yesterday. I have been thinking about things lately, and as I mentioned, our stillbirth, I remembered that God is with my family and me. I remembered and thought, if only I took that revival experience differently. I would not be where I am. Incidentally, Isaiah 6 shows how from our worship, we respond to God, and I realize I didn't respond to Him and he wanted me to through service to him. Isaiah, had said, "Here am I, send me." Now all these months later, "Here am I, Lord...send me!"

 Let me tell you about our 2nd daughter.  We named our baby Joshlyn Hope Woo. Joshlyn is a female form of Joshua. How did we get this name? I wanted Hope, as in the midst of this tragedy we still clung to Hope. Hope in what?

Just two days prior, our good friends hung out with us. Their son is Joshua, which means God is my salvation. And our Oldest helped name her baby sister. Because that day, she kept yelling Joshua, over and over. So it just came, Jesus' name is a short form of Joshua, and his name means, "The Lord is My Salvation". So our hope is in our Savior, who is our Salvation. And we have this hope that we will see our daughter again one day!

So here we are. I pray for another revival in my life, a third one that would coincide with a major world revival! That would be cool. But basically I experienced the Lord. It was first in Dallas, in that Youth Room. And 2nd at my current church in LA (more on that another time).

So FCBCD will always be a special place in my heart, where God is amongst His people there.

If you want to follow me, you can find info here (see page 1). God Bless You All. Thanks for reading.