Friday, January 30, 2009

No Free Days

In the back of my mind, I thought that I would have a one month break...but it was not very restful. It has been hard to get "back in the saddle" as they say. But I think that God has been talking to me and working in my life. He is telling me that in spite of ice storms, there are no free days. I've been thinking about the Lord's Prayer, how he teaches us to ask for our daily bread. In the same way I've learned we daily come to God to ask us to "lead us not into temptation"...Each day, "forgive us of our sins." I guess the key is daily. And I can testify, that we can't take a day off. So pray, and read the word. "Man does not live on bread alone."

I must say I've been in a spiritual freeze...this morning I was blessed by a sermon at school. The President of the Southern Baptist Convention preached, his message was timely in my life. If you have wondered about the difficulties of life, I wonder if this message can be for you too. It takes about 40 minutes and is found here. (You will be encouraged if you are discouraged). In that message we are reminded about our need for God.