"...For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him."-Mt. 2:2b
I was captivated tonight by the alignment of Jupiter, Venus, and the moon in the night sky. I could've sat out there all night it seems. In my mind I wondered what the ancients would say. Y'know back in the day, pre-electricity, pre-t.v., ancient peoples all looked to the night sky. And the thought occurred to me, just what did the star look like that showed the wise men the way to the Savior?
Back in my hometown of El Paso, the city is split by a mountain. In past days, they would say that it was the southern most point of the rockies (not totally accurate but romantic). And on that mountain the city had a star erected. My home church was practically under that electric star. And I thought, if people followed that star to that little church, would they find Jesus?
Many people today want to be stars, I say why not be a star that shines for the Savior of the World? Would people look at you and see you pointing to him?