Sunday, February 22, 2009

What is Love?

Recently, our Children's Minister Reiko, gave a devotional on 1 Corinthians 13, a passage that speaks on love. She commented how many children hear this passage at weddings...she pointed out the context of these verses. So as I revisit it, I note that there are divisions over corporate worship, lawsuits, more divisions, and sexual immorality in the church. Perhaps God is telling us that in the church we really need to be patient, kind...(see v. 4-7). I was reminded how I need to keep no records of wrong, etc. (Not ignoring church discipline issues, a discussion for another day) but it reminded me of how important it is to love, esp. our family, and our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Eph. 3:10 speaks of how God has chosen the church as his connection to the world, to spread his message, and to model love. I pray that we don't give up on the church.